What  is SAP?

SAP Stands for Systems Applications & Products in Data Processing. SAP, by definition, is also name of the ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) Software as well the name of the company. SAP Software was founded in 1972 by Wellenreuther, Hopp, Hector, Plattner, and Tschira. Nowadays, you must be noticing advertisements showing SAP Logo and SAP Courses.

Why is it So?

Almost all operational business organizations use ERP's for day to day business processes and also to record these transactions. Candidates who trained and got practical experience in an ERP can easily get employed by organizations that use ERP Systems. SAP being the most advanced and well defined ERP, learning business process in SAP training will enable the learners to process in any ERP. Moreover, SAP training being the widely used and the ERP of most of the large organizations, those with training on SAP knowledge will get lot of chances for employement.
Authorized SAP Kottayam, training courses Kerala

How to Learn SAP?

Authorized SAP Kottayam, Kerala training courses
SAP System has two types of Modules(functions)

  • Technical Modules
  • Functional Modules

  • Technical Module

    SAP System is developed with specially defined program called ABAP and its servers are also managed differently from how normal servers get managed. The server management of SAP system is called BASIS.
    Functional Module

    Business Processing in SAP training System is grouped according to Management business functionalities. "Human Resource Management as HCM Module,Finance and Controlling Management as FICO Module, Goods and Product Management as MM Module, Sales and Distribution as SD Module, Warehouse Management as WM Module, Production Management as PP Module, Quality Management as QM Module etc." Talk to Our Consultant
    Even SAP has developed industry wise systems with the combinations of each Modules and their extensiveness in usage in that industry.

    What Should You Learn?

    If you are qualified and has aptitude to any of these functionalities and processes, you select the Modules accordingly and will get training.
    If you need to get the Consultant's Support Call Us. We are always ready to help you.
    Authorized Kottayam, Kerala SAP training courses

    SAP Authorized Kottayam, Kerala training courses

    How You Should Learn SAP?

    The main users of SAP Systems are those who process day to day business activities in SAP System.
    If you want to get employed to that level, you need to train processes and also get practice on SAP training System.

    How to choose the place to learn SAP?

    Don't be a prey to institution who just offer class room training courses, just give some insights on business process and show presentations which display the SAP Screen and Processing.
    Join with centers who offer training courses with real time SAP System practices.
    Need Help Talk to Our Consultant
    SAP Authorized courses Kottayam, Kerala training

    SAP Kottayam, Authorized courses Kerala training

    How to become a SAP Consultant?

    You can be SAP Consultant if you train most of the process and learn how these process can be configured in SAP System. Please Call to Know More.

    Where Can I Get Job?

    If you have enough qualification and know SAP process, you could be getting absorbed in organizations using SAP as their ERP. You get good Salaries too. Know More Call
    How can I get more information about SAP training Courses Please visit our office or Call


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